Posted by: bryanboard | June 18, 2008

Mind Chatter

Eyes open, not seeing

Asleep, but not asleep

Hands move in slow motion

Tethered to the ground

Or so it seems


Words on the page

Blur into random lines

Hieroglyphs from some language

Long forgotten

Did I say that already

Or just think it?


Time out of time

Time with no meaning

Thoughts half forgotten in the thinking


Just a memory


Conversation stings my ears

Voices swarm around me

Becoming background noise

Day after a night with no sleep

Or is this waking a dream

Did I say that already

Or just think it?


  1. I like the line “Did I say that already or just think it?” This poem seems like it would occupy a tune well; did you have a melody in mind when you wrote it?

    Oh, and I like the line, “Did I say that already or just think it?”

  2. No, I had not thought of putting it to music. I did not sleep Monday night, and these were quite literally random thoughts that went through my brain during the day on Tuesday.

    And you are not alone, that is Laurie’s favorite line as well.

  3. And I really like the line that says, “Did I say that already or just think it?”

    Oh…did somebody say that already or did I just think it?


  4. Gee, there’s an echo in here! 🙂 (hmm, did I say that already or just think it???)

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